TI Nspire Library Directory
These files were created on TI Nspire CAS Teacher Software, you will need this software to use these files
- basics of the keypad
- basics of each of the different types of pages
- basics of file management
Graph Window Management
This short video is designed to be show users of TI Nspire how to adjust the viewing window so a cubic function is viewable
Labeling Critical Values
This short video shows how to label intercepts, find local extremes, make multiple copies of graphs, add a piecewise function
Placing a Moving point on a function graph
This short video shows how to add a moving point using a variety of features, sliders, movie tab,
Algebra TI Nspire File Library
- number line inequalities
- linear functions
- linear inequalities
- systems of linear equations
- systems of linear inequalities
- quadratic functions